We are a team of non-diet dietitians who work one-on-one with clients virtually nationwide, and take an intuitive eating and weight neutral approach with all clients. We know what it feels like to be constantly worried about what you should or shouldn't eat. But, life is too short to live like that. Keep scrolling to learn more.

Hi there!


our dietitians

Before (well, honestly during) my education, I was probably a lot like you. I was stuck in an unhealthy relationship with food and my body (shout out to diet culture). I felt intense guilt every time I ate something “bad”. I was unhappy in my body and struggled to find any balance.

Today, I've made peace with food and get to help others do the same. Instead of tracking every calorie and stressing over diet rules, I learned how to intuitively eat and trust my body. When I stopped dieting, started eating more and listening to my body... I realized I felt physically and mentally amazing. My energy skyrocketed, I stopped obsessing over food, and best of all... I took my life back. Food and body insecurities no longer held me back. I started creating and living out my dream life. I am so passionate about what I do because I know first hand it is LIFE CHANGING. I want you to find freedom and peace in food. I want you to feel comfortable in your body and create the life you dream of. And I know I can help you do just that.

Now that I no longer spend my days obsessing over my body, calories, or macros... You can find me cuddling my dog (Charlie), trying out new fun group fitness classes (especially the yoga ones), and traveling! 

Allie Landry

Iowa State University

Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics

Intuitive Eating 

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Iowa State University

Registered Dietitian

Texas A&M University

Bachelors of Science in Nutrition

just a few things that help me Support you best

Allie's Credentials

Nutrition and dietetics was not my first pick at a major when attending college. It was not until four years into college that I sought out help from a Registered Dietitian for the same reason you might be seeking our help. I found myself in a restrict-binge cycle, overexercising, under eating, and feeling exhausted by society's diet culture. After working with someone in the field, and following other registered dietitians on Instagram... I realized life gets a lot more exciting when you are no longer worried about counting how many calories you consume, how many exercise rings you close, and the number on the pants you wear.

Due to my own personal experience, I am passionate about helping women make peace with both food and their bodies, the same way I did years ago. 

I love to spend time outdoors camping, hiking, paddle boarding, and everything in between. In my free time, you can find me attending any good hot yoga class. I love finding new, fun ways to move and celebrate my body! 

Gina Coduto

Iowa State University

Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics

Iowa State University

Registered Dietitian

Iowa State University

Bachelors of Science in Nutrition


Gina's Credentials

As an early teen, I began developing an unhealthy relationship with food and my body. It started with simply wanting to be “healthier” but, it soon spiraled into much more. I began restricting how much I was eating by obsessively counting calories. In college, I realized I needed to make a change if I wanted to live a life that was not consumed by stressing over food and calories. Once I stopped letting a calorie-tracking app control my life, I was able to learn how to trust my body again and eat in a way that felt good both mentally and physically. Now that I have completely made peace with food, I can enjoy so many life moments that I would not have been able to in the past!

In my career as a dietitian, I have worked with an overwhelming number of people that are struggling with their own relationship with food. This along with my own experience, grew my passion for helping people find food freedom. My goal is to help as many people as I can make peace with food so they can live their own lives to the fullest!

In my free time, I love traveling, finding movement that feels good, and taking care of my house plants. I also enjoy spending time with my two dogs and husband!

Hannah Heflin

Texas Tech University

Master of science in nutrition and Dietetics

Texas Tech University

Registered Dietitian

Texas Tech University

Bachelors of Science in Nutrition

that made her your food freedom dietitian

Hannah's Credentials

the story behind

"Make Life Peachy"

A note from Allie: "Make Life Peachy is named in honor of my mom. Although she is no longer physically with me, she inspires me every day to live life the fullest and to always look on the bright side. She was known for her positivity, so "Make Life Peachy" combined my love for food and her optimistic outlook on life! Life is a gift, so make it peachy."

I was in 6th grade the first time I felt like I needed to restrict what I ate to control my weight. I was only 11 years old, but most girls were doing it, so I figured I should be too? Today, the average age a girl will start a diet is 8 years old. Yep, let that sink in. 

Fast forward to high school. I was active and mostly ate what I craved, but I was still very self-conscious of my body and diet. But again, most girls were! It was “normal”. During these years I became very into health and nutrition.

Once I went off to college, I experienced weight gain related to simply getting older, and became stuck in the restrict-binge cycle. I noticed my clothes fitting tighter and started to feel even more uncomfortable in my skin. 

My sophomore year, I decided it was time to get "back on track" with exercise and dieting. I changed my major to nutrition. Because I wasn’t already obsessed enough with food right? 

I was in school to help others eat healthy, yet I had an unhealthy relationship with food. I counted every calorie I ate, overexercised, and was constantly anxious about food. This obsession being healthy (which was ultimately all about my body size) was actually unhealthy. 

My senior year, I discovered intuitive eating and realized a there was a better way. I didn't have to track every bite and restrict food to live healthfully. I decided to change. I stopped counting, started listening to my body, and slowly built body trust.

I started eating more, exercising less, and ditched the scale... and this helped rebuild my metabolism. I was finally able to enjoy food and social events without anxiety. I thought about my body less & started to feel more confident in my skin.

Today, I'm a "normal" eater. food is no longer stressful, it’s just food. I no longer worry about every calorie. I feel amazing and have more energy than ever. I want you to know this is possible for you too. You can feel free around food, become confident in your skin, and create the life you deserve. 




Get the inside scoop on nutrition coaching and discover if it is right for you. In this guide, you’ll find out how dieting can hurt you long term, why we don’t talk about weight loss, and more. This is your first step towards freedom.



Don’t miss out on free advice. We post tips, motivation, and encouragement surrounding food freedom and body confidence on Instagram daily. Taking this small step can lead to big changes in your relationship with food and your body.



So, you’re not quite sure how this works, but you’re ready to feel good in your body and free around food. Stop holding yourself back, let’s chat! Schedule a free call today to find out if a dietitian is what you need.

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learn about OUR programs

Allie is so knowledgeable, encouraging, positive, and sweet! She does a great job presenting the information in an easy to understand and apply format. I looked forward to getting my weekly packets and then our weekly webinar. The Facebook group made it so easy to ask questions and share our struggles. She is very attentive and helps you get the most out of it. With her knowledge and encouragement making small changes that have had big impacts was almost easy but definitely fun. Well worth every penny! Plus once you get to know Allie for the hard-working, well educated, caring, and dedicated dietitian that she is you will have no regrets about supporting her small business. I look forward to working with her more in the future.

Bre C.

Kathryn G.

For the past 5 years I put my body through 1200 calorie diets, fasting, and even binge eating for the latter 2 years. After gaining 30 pounds and feeling the lowest I had ever felt about myself, I decided to make my health a priority. I was expecting to count calories or macros because I thought that was the only way to keep track of how much food I was consuming. I was completely blind sided when she told me she could teach me how to love my body, eat all foods without feeling stressed, gain energy, and lose weight as a side effect. I trusted the process and worked so hard with Allie these past 3 months. Food no longer controls my life, I control what I eat. I have more energy, my clothes fit much more comfortably, I love my body the way it is and for all it does for me, and I finally feel like I have my life back to enjoy everything I was missing out on. 

Allie creates a non-judgmental atmosphere that is all about learning healthy habits that are sustainable. The Make Life Peachy guide is a valuable resource in helping to form habits that aren’t daunting by any means. By focusing on “food freedom,” Allie encourages her clients to rid themselves of any guilt associated with food choices. I’ve gained new knowledge on how different foods affect our bodies and created goals that are not only achievable but are almost effortless to keep up with long term. With Allie, it’s not about diets or fads, but knowing how to make healthy choices for yourself that can be kept up with.

Sydney W.

After establishing a consistent workout schedule I thought that would be enough to make me a healthy human. Boy I was wrong. My eyes were opened to many subconscious actions and thoughts I was having toward food that were leading me to binge eating, being too hard on myself, and not feeding my body the nutrients it deserves. With just the bootcamp I've learned that no food is good/bad. I snack less, I crave less, and I have lessened my fear of carbs because I've learned they fuel my workouts for better performance and keep me full longer. Social media plays a huge role in how we treat ourselves and we all need a little help and guidance in giving ourselves some love and grace.

Ana M. 

Before I came to Allie, food and weight terrified me. If I got on the scale one morning and it was different than the day before, my whole day would be ruined. My mood would change completely. I felt like my weight was written across my face. The first thing she taught me was to LOVE myself and to treat my body with respect instead of being mean to it. I live in Hollywood and I’m an actress... nobody teaches you to love your body... they actually teach you the opposite so this was new to me. I lost 8 pounds. But that isn’t even the important part, I love myself 8 pounds heavier and 8 pounds lighter. I have more energy, food doesn’t scare me and I can now focus on life instead of regretting every second I eat.

Ana M. 

lovely clients


Learn our step-by-step process to stop dieting and start living today. In this free guide, you’ll learn:

• Why diets don’t work & can actually hurt you long term 
• Our 4-step process to finding food freedom 
• Crucial questions you should be asking yourself to reach your health goals 
• How you can find your happy, healthy weight


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